The Farm

Our farm has 120 acres of pasture on which we raise our suckler herd of beef cattle using organic principles (or "Agriculture Biologique" (AB) as it is called in France). Our land and cattle are officially certified each year as organic by ECOCERT. The animals are raised using methods that enable them to live as naturally as possible.

We use no artificial insecticides or fertilisers and the animals live in an environment where they remain naturally healthy, rarely needing intervention, unlike intensive farming systems.

farm cows
farm land

We raise free range chickens for the table and have a very free range flock of laying chickens that provide fabulous fresh eggs.

We ensure that the land is managed to maintain a balance between our farming activity and the environment needed to support local wild life: from buzzards to wild boar, butterflies and deer, delicate orchids to ancient trees.

Woodland Managment

We have just over 16 acres of woodland (mainly sweet chestnut) which we coppice during winter months to make fencing posts, construction materials and produce firewood. Our woods house an amazing diversity of animals, birds, insects plants and fungi.

We will be delighted to show you around if you are able to visit the farm.

woodland managment at the farm

For the latest news and what is happening at La Singlarie visit Ali's blog or our A Year on the Farm page